Saturday, May 21, 2022


We didn’t make it to Woodstock in fact we didn’t try. Traffic’s bad we were told. Not worth it. And so it was. I wound up taking my girlfriend to a big concert do in Atlantic City while my Dad admonished me to Be Careful! I figured that would have to be better. The sun, the sand, the Beach! We did have a really great time and all but who knew? Who knew that the rain and mud and general debauchee and chaos of the little town named Woodstock would live and probably outlive us all. It’s hard to explain just how much the music meant to us back in the day. The words were Our Words. The beat our Beat and the meaning and purpose some gave Our lives Meaning and Purpose. It gave us an identity. The world was a tough and prejudicial place But we were going to Change it! Young, naive and maybe foolish, we truly believed that we could and we were making things better.  I’m almost 75. The years have passed me by and treated me with kindness. I didn’t go to Viet Nam. Didn’t want to. Didn’t think I would survive. I now have friends who did. Who served and who did survive. I didn’t pull any stunts to avoid it. Went down to the draft board when my number came up after graduation. Went through all the paces but in the end I was rejected by the United States Army. For an instant I felt offended. I felt rejected but then I realized I was just lucky. The chance ski injury I had years before high school had now apparently saved me. I got married to a beautiful girl. We have a beautiful family complete with grands. I still love America. Always did and always will. I am thankful to all those who served including my wife. I’m not sorry I missed Woodstock. In fact I was embarrassed by it while my daughter was growing up. But what I see when I look back now is only youth. Pretty crazy and filled with naive optimism and energy but fairy harmless. We’re all granted one and yes sometimes it’s wasted but otherwise it is spent. And if your lucky you can survive it and look back. Thank you Santana and to that incredible drummer for creating the moment that captures and uncorks that untamed energy of our Youth!

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