Saturday, May 28, 2022

  Tyshaun McPhatter didn’t know how to put on a tie.

Dear John,
Thank you for being there and writing such a heartfelt and compelling story. As I sit in my bed, sipping my morning coffee and surrounded by the comforts of home I feel… what do I feel? Fortunate, lucky, happy? Yes. But beyond that I feel guilty, sad, frightened and horrified at what I see happening in and too America. It is happening in America because these are our own people that have fallen into and energized by the Right Wing rhetoric. We have watched its development since the early days of Fox News. Slogans and memes like Fair and Balanced and We Report, You Decide have groomed people into the delusion that Fox is speaking to and for them. Somehow defending their values in the “Culture Wars”, the wars that they create and fuel for their own selfish profits. Among those memes now is the Second Amendment. How many advocates have actually read it? It’s only one sentence… but what does it say?

Second Amendment — Right to Bear Arms Passed by Congress September 25, 1789. Ratified December 15, 1791. 
The first 10 amendments form the Bill of Rights A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Nowhere in that amendment did the Constitution attempt to protect the average citizen’s right to terrorize and murder fellow citizens. That the right To bear arms would evolve over 230 years to include assault weapons in the hands of one individual mad man that would out power the entire police force of any given small city.

According to the Gun Violence Archive, a nonprofit that tracks shootings in the US, there have been 214 mass shootings in 2022 alone.

To invoke the Second Amendment in the face of these atrocities is pure insanity. To those politicians who do so, they are guilty of murder as accessory before and after the fact just an accomplice would be in any other murder scenario. But are they? No, to the contrary they hold their convention only days later and flaunt their treason against humanity.  Here I’ll your quote of the child who bravely, innocently and honestly said, 

 Whoever invented guns needs to stop,” 

Such truth, such wisdom and so simple. STOP MAKING ASSAULT WEAPONS! The category of control is in the name; ASSAULT WEAPONS
This is not an infringement on second amendment rights to protect oneself or one’s family. This is the right of the millions of innocent men, women and children to protect themselves from these murderous rampages. 
I’ve got to stop or I’ll go on forever. I just want you to know that I, we, read you. We appreciate you, your honesty, integrity and your courage to report to us the truth. And in essence I just want to say again, Thank You!

Pete Tintle

Pete and Tess

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