Thursday, May 19, 2022

My second favorite Dylan Song


In many ways I can’t believe that I can think of a musical moment or event and then go out, get it and bring it home and now place it in my blog where I can reflect upon it and come back again to visit. This was a particularly powerful version of Make you feel my Love and a memorable moment for me because Tess and I were watching this program together when it happened. Adele had been interviewed by Oprah and the interview, as an introduction to this concert, had been well publicized. Tess and I had settled in to watch both. The interview was wonderful and revealing in ways that only Oprah can do. Together they demonstrate just how warm and wonderful human beings can be and however grand their achievements they still live within the boundaries of human vulnerability. By this I mean that both have suffered and do suffer but both have learned to overcome and dedicate themselves to loving others.

When the first melodic notes encroached upon the frolic of the proposal and Adele said OK, this is for you, I said out loud, Bob Dylan… somehow I immediately recognized the song and I guess took a certain degree of pride in doing so. Nut uhhh… Yes, I said again, Dylan, Bob Dylan… and in that assertion I only hoped that I was right. My point is only to say that the boy who wrote Blowin in the Wind and sung it in that nasal toned voice almost 60 years ago also produced this profoundly deep and passion filled poetry. A song, now brought to us by a woman who is probably considered the worlds best. And that is why I kept her version. It tells me that the skills of poetry and music are universal in there ability to reach out to other people and move their hearts. There is very little that can bring me to tears almost in the instant of it’s thought but certain words and music do that. I have decided that, so far, I have not learned how to capture that kind of moment in my own words and I have tried. But for those like the boy, one Robert Zimmerman, who learned to use the very same alphabet as I but go on to create words that hold such meaning and the girl, one Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, who as a the woman makes you feel the anguish of each word through the sheer beauty of her voice, I say Thank You and God Bless You. I was and I am so fortunate as to be able to share my love with my friend, my lover, my partner and my wife, Tess. This was a beautiful evening together and a beautiful moment in time.

In closing I just had to add this final rendition if nothing more than to  celebrate how love can span generations.

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