Wednesday, May 16, 2018

6/20/18 These are some of the latest pictures I've taken after reapplying Odies Oil using my new Oreck Commercial Orbiter Floor Machine. I paid 289 plus the terry cloth and lambs wool pads. I received the machine on Wednesday 6/19 after ordering on Sunday 6/17. Unbelievably Great!!! 

Oil Finish-Odie's Oil

Now that Odies Oil has been used to refinish the deck I am really amazed at how well it works. Odies goes on easy, it penetrates and protects the wood as evidenced by the beading but also it smells great!

May 1, 2018 The deck had been refinished about four years ago but was really showing wear.

May 1, 2 & 3, 2018 

Sean Wilson with Deep Woods Log Home  refinished the deck, including stripping, power washing and sanding. It was a huge amount of work and he did a Great Job!

He used Superdeck as the staining agent.

Before Odies but after Superdeck the deck looked good!

Friday May 11 it rained so we cancelled plans to apply the Odies on Saturday but the weather cleared up and the deck started drying by Saturday afternoon.

You can see the water sheeting action on the Super Deck finish above.

Mothers Day Sunday May 15 the sun was shining and the deck dried off enough to apply the Odies Oil. We worked together applying a thin coat of oil using terry cloth rags.

The whole job took less than three hours. Unlike the Superdeck their was no stain and no noxious odor during the two day drying process. The Odies smelled good going on and had a nice aroma as it dried. I gave it over night before walking on it and another two days before it started raining again and I put the furniture back on. The first thing I noticed was no scratch marks when sliding the wicker chairs and then I noticed the beading of the rain. I really didn't plan a side by side comparison but because of the intermittent rain over these past few weeks I realized that I had created one.

After Odies applied on Sunday May 13 it rained again on Tuesday May 15. You can see the Sheeting on the Left (Super Deck) vs the Beading on the Right after using Odies Oil.

Sean also gave us a beautiful natural wood end table that he had made and finished with Odies Oil.

My gratitude goes to Greg Meade 828-508-6197 

Deep Woods Log Home Staining

for taking the job to begin with and to Sean Wilson 973-534-2862

Artistic Expressions for doing the complete job so well. The cost of doing the job was substantial but the work done earned every penny and most importantly I have confidence now that I am on the right path to maintain the deck in great condition through future years by reapplying the Odies Oil

as a weatherproofing and beautifying agent. I don't think I will ever have to go through the stripping sanding staining process again.