Thursday, November 17, 2022

 It seems as though Political Correctness or PC has become a prominent buzz word over the past few years where if someone says something offensive about another persons religion, race or demeanor they will be labeled as being politically incorrect. I feel that this mockery of PC was popularized by right wing media personalities like Rush Limbaugh and Anne Coulter. Donald Trump built his career on being mean and as Dave Chapelle describes him, an honest liar. I know what he means and I agree on some level. Trump can be offensive by using his pet names, Pocahontas, Little Marco Rubio, Sleepy Joe and his latest, Ron Sanctimonious. He promoted hate and revenge by calling COVID the China Virus. It’s not just the words but the way he says them. ‘China Virus’. Trump, a liar, a thief and a traitor got away with all of it and gets away with all of it. I think it’s because he’s white and therefore a role model for white supremacy but it’s also because he’s entertaining. He, whether we like it or not, is entertaining. He shocks people, he makes them laugh, he makes them angry, he feeds their fire of discontent and provides safe targets, scapegoats,  for their revenge. He does it so openly and without shame that I myself say What? He lost the popular vote twice but he told people he won by a landslide. Many of the Trumpsters he backed in the midterms and he said; if they won I take full credit, if they lost I share none of the blame. How can anybody say such a thing and be liked, let alone Loved? Because he is an entertainer. He is a ringmaster. The big cats don’t like the ring master, they snarl and paw at the air but.. but they still jump through the hoops.

 Still I’ve noticed that legitimate comedians like Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock were also feeling the pinch. Chris Rock said, referring to Trump, the energy captures the room. He was not complimenting Trump but he was explaining his initial popularity. He also said that the energy would dissipate as he told the same old joke, lies… let’s hope he’s right.

For me the criteria for acceptability would be context, intention and is it funny? I’ve pointed out to Tess that if a skit is funny they can get away with almost anything but there are a few examples where the PC flag was waved by the party that claimed to be offended even when the intention was clearly not there. Kanye West recently went on an antiemetic rant and was immediately sanctioned. Dave Chapelle referred to the rant and repeated statements as if to validate and yet in the process he was Funny and it was his skills at being funny that made his skit acceptable.

The one line that stood out was; if they’re black it’s a gang, if they’re Italian it’s a mob but if they’re Jews it’s a coincidence and you should never speak about it.

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