Friday, December 22, 2023


A YouTube algorithm brought your video to me which I point out because part of your talk mentions the sea of social media that is swallowing us alive. I spend a lot of time watching videos about chess, ai, electric cars and Zen Buddhism. I’ve started referring to this medium as YouTube University. At the same time I avoid all the others that I call anti social media and as Betty White referred to Facebook as a tremendous waste of time. So without intentionally seeking you out, there you were and I was going to move on or back to one of the topics above but the depth and texture of your conversation sucked me in. As I reached the midpoint you talked about Human Nature which I suddenly realized that I had recently purchased. Then, while you were talking I went ahead and bought Mastery and I’ll probably buy the Laws of Power. I’ve reached a point and a time in life where I have more history than future but I have much more time now than before to spend it doing this kind of stuff. I bought the book Human Nature because I am so upset by all the atrocities I witness through the daily bombardment of the news. My own reality is pleasant if not perfect and yet people seem to be consumed in hate. Why? What is Human Nature? And so I bought the book. Your program/interview is great because you take the time to really talk about your topics in depth. So now I think your program will be added to my list. In terms of finding your purpose, you’re doing it. Good Job!!!

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