Friday, December 2, 2011

Bright Water Stained Glass Works of Art

Why don't churchs have clear panel, double hung, triple track low e thermal coated windows? It is not because they do not respect the environment no, it is because they cherish and choose to enhance it. 

Stained glass is a work of art. The creation of stained glass artwork dates back to  300 AD and gained momentum in it's application through the Gothic, Medieval and Renaissance periods where great cathedrals were built with grandeur worthy of claiming to be God's House. Artisans throughout the ages were commisioned to create these magnificent works of art that have been protected and cherished by their peoples as icons of their countries culture, history and heritage.

 Today few such dedicated artisans survive in a video game and Styrofoam culture. Yet they can flourish in our community where our people recognize, respect and have the opportunity to cherish these works of art in their own home. I am not really sure what drives an artist to labor so long and hard to bring works of beauty into this disposable world fully knowing that theirs is first and foremost a labor of love. That the love they put into the measured, cut and sculpted pieces of glass that gradually coalece into a mosaic of deeper meaning may somehow communicate that love and that meaning to another human being. That in that one instant when the love that the artist has put into the object leaps out and across to touch another persons heart. That is the moment that transcends the ages from the caves to the Romans to our electronic age. Art is the adhesive of our human bond and maybe being a part of that is ultimately the only reward needed.

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