Friday, June 2, 2023

 I invested in Tesla several years ago. Tesla was my first image of my dream car as an adult. The cost of the Tesla, 100k was far and above what I considered reasonable let alone obtainable yet I told myself that if I made enough money in teslas stock that I would buy one with it.

At some point Elon started becoming somewhat wacko in the media. He would say outrageous things that affected the stock price and said that he was going to develop. Flame Thrower. It was about that time that I sold my Tesla stock. I made a profit but not nearly enough to buy a Tesla. Meanwhile he seemed to become more and more outrageous where he threatened to buy Twitter specifically to facilitate Trump in what he called Absolute Free Speech. He compounded that when he started making antisemitic rants. I disavowed myself completely from Musk and said I wouldn’t buy a Tesla if he drove it up my door and delivered it in person. Then I stumbled on this interview on YouTube.
My opinion now has somewhat softened. Not that would accept or condone antisemitism or antisocial hatred or violent behavior but I’m more inclined to be sympathetic with the struggles of Elon Musk the human being who, as with Monk, carries the burden of his genius with the additional burden of social ineptitude.

Growing up, “the social cues were not intuitive,” Musk said when asked about it on stage at the TED2022 conference in Vancouver, Canada.

  • “I would just tend to take things very literally … but then that turned out to be wrong — [people were not] simply saying exactly what they mean, there's all sorts of other things that are meant, and [it] took me a while to figure that out,” he recalled.

Flashback: Musk widely revealed having Asperger’s last year when he hosted “Saturday Night Live.”

  • In his opening monologue, Musk said: "To anyone who I’ve offended [with my Twitter posts], I just want to say I reinvented electric cars, and I'm sending people to Mars in a rocket ship. Did you think I was also going to be a chill, normal dude?"

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