Thursday, May 26, 2022

Jesus has failed to save us from ourselves

Is that a controversial statement? For an insignificant little pip-squeak like me to say that Jesus Failed? That would no doubt bring wrath down upon me from some Christian devotes but if I phrased it like this… We the people, have failed Jesus. That might be more acceptable… spell check offered accurate. But this is why I pose the question. 19 children were mowed down in cold blooded murder, yesterday? Was it only yesterday or the day before but last week it was 10 black customers in a grocery store. That murderer was about to kill himself but the cops stopped him. He set out to kill black people. He is a devote racist murdering human being. He is human. We can’t, although I wish I could, deny him that space. He is a human being who decided to ascribe to a theory being promoted by other humans called the Great Replacement. Somehow we, white people are being replaced by other races. So by this theory they justify an advance revenge attack to what, prevent this from happening? Now my guess is and I could be desperately wrong, but my guess is that some of these hateful, spiteful, murdering people consider themselves good Christians. Now in what universe can they claim that?
Jesus, the Son of God, came into our world to show us the light and the way. He said by your works you will be recognized. Jesus gave his life so that we may live. He forgives us our sins. At no time did Jesus say, imply or demonstrate by example that hate and hateful acts were to be given a free pass. He didn’t say well here are a few ideas that if and when you’re in a pinch just call out my name and I’ll free you of any responsibility or accountability and yet here we are 2000 years later. Christians carrying banners of hate. Hate of the Jews, the very race of their Lord. Hate of Blacks, of immigrants or gays or even now possibly Liberals. Christians that are outraged about abortion to where they might criminalize the woman or the doctors who serve her. And Christians who would rather defend the second amendment than the very children they say they are so concerned with. So there are people speaking up and speaking out. President Biden for one saying where is our backbone? I will add, where is our soul?
It is time we stop offering our thoughts and prayers and simply Do what Jesus told us to do. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This one Golden Rule that he placed above all others.

Jesus abhorred hypocrisy. He pointed out the hypocrite. He asked that true believers be humble. That they do their good deeds in private. 

And so my answer:
Jesus did not fail us but we fail Jesus every day. Jesus was and is the truth, the light and the way. His words, his deeds, his life and his ministry are all recorded in the New Testament to read and review. Sadly this is not what shapes and leads us. Instead self serving politicians are shaping our policies and holding us captive. They claim to be Christians without any allegiance to Gods teachings. At times they claim to be Christian without even pretending to acknowledge let alone adhere to His teachings. After 19 children were murdered they proudly talk about arming teachers and hardening our schools.

NRA Chief Executive Wayne LaPierre called for more funding for police departments, better school security and a better mental-health system, and said the group remains at odds with President Biden over the Second Amendment.

“Restricting the fundamental human right of law-abiding Americans to defend themselves is not the answer. It never has been,” Mr. LaPierre said.

Defend themselves against who?

Murder is not a fundamental right of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves.

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