Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Military to EST Time

 To create a chart for converting military time to Eastern Standard Time (EST), you can use the following table. Note that EST is UTC-5 hours, so you will need to adjust the military time accordingly. However, the chart below shows the conversion from military time to standard 12-hour time, which you can then adjust for EST by subtracting 5 hours.

Military TimeStandard Time
0000 / 240012:00 AM / Midnight
01001:00 AM
02002:00 AM
03003:00 AM
04004:00 AM
05005:00 AM
06006:00 AM
07007:00 AM
08008:00 AM
09009:00 AM
100010:00 AM
110011:00 AM
120012:00 PM / Noon
13001:00 PM
14002:00 PM
15003:00 PM
16004:00 PM
17005:00 PM
18006:00 PM
19007:00 PM
20008:00 PM
21009:00 PM
220010:00 PM
230011:00 PM

To convert military time to EST, subtract 5 hours from the military time. For example:

  • : 1200 (12:00 PM) becomes EST: 0700 (7:00 AM).

  • : 1800 (6:00 PM) becomes EST: 1300 (1:00 PM).

Here's a sample chart for converting military time to EST:

Military TimeEST
000019:00 (Previous Day)
010020:00 (Previous Day)
020021:00 (Previous Day)
030022:00 (Previous Day)
040023:00 (Previous Day)
050000:00 (Next Day)
170012:00 PM
180001:00 PM
190002:00 PM
200003:00 PM
210004:00 PM
220005:00 PM
230006:00 PM

This chart assumes standard EST without daylight saving adjustments.


  1. https://militarytimechart.com
  2. https://veteran.com/military-time-converter/
  3. https://clockify.me/military-time-converter
  4. https://www.ontheclock.com/convert-military-24-hour-time.aspx
  5. https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/time/military-time-converter.php
  6. https://www.medicalsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Military-Time-Conversion-Chart.pdf
  7. https://www.sru.edu/documents/offices/accounting-services/Travel/Appendix%20A-TM%20-%2024%20Hour%20Clock%20Chart.pdf
  8. https://training.nwcg.gov/dl/s248/s-248-ho-military-time-conversion.pdf

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Coffee the Discovery of


 The legend of Kaldi, an Ethiopian goatherd, is often credited with the discovery of coffee around 850 CE12. According to the tale, Kaldi noticed his goats becoming unusually energetic after eating berries from a certain tree23. Intrigued, he tried the berries himself and experienced a similar boost in energy2. Kaldi then shared his discovery with local monks, who initially disapproved but later embraced the beans after witnessing their stimulating effects45.

While this story is likely apocryphal, first appearing in a 1671 treatise by Antoine Faustus Nairon14, it has become a beloved origin myth for coffee. The legend emphasizes coffee's Ethiopian roots and its early adoption by Sufi monasteries, where it was used to aid in nighttime prayers and meditation26. Today, "Kaldi" and "Dancing Goat" are popular names for coffee shops worldwide, paying homage to this charming tale of coffee's serendipitous discovery13.


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaldi
  2. https://dreambeanscoffee.ie/history-of-coffee-kaldi-the-goatherd/
  3. https://www.uncommongrounds.com/general/the-legend-of-kaldi/
  4. https://edobarista.com/en/content/news/8-the-legend-of-kaldi-and-of-the-jumping-goats
  5. https://essense.coffee/en/the-origins-of-coffee/
  6. https://perfectdailygrind.com/2015/06/the-history-legend-of-ethiopian-coffee-the-story-behind-misty-valley/

English is USA Official Language

 On March 1, 2025, President Donald Trump signed a historic executive order designating English as the official language of the United States123. This marks the first time in the country's nearly 250-year history that a federal mandate has been issued regarding an official language45. The order aims to promote unity, establish efficiency in government operations, and create a pathway for civic engagement5.

The executive order rescinds a 25-year-old Clinton-era policy that required government agencies and organizations receiving federal funding to provide language assistance to non-English speakers65. Instead, federal agencies will now have the flexibility to decide how and when to offer services in languages other than English, allowing them to best serve the American people and fulfill their agency missions5. This move aligns the federal government with more than 30 states that have already declared English as their official language57.


  1. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/03/designating-english-as-the-official-language-of-the-united-states/
  2. https://www.news9.com/story/67c3ae0b699884cd35a9f801/trump-signs-executive-order-designating-english-the-official-language-of-the-u-s-
  3. https://www.axios.com/2025/02/28/trump-executive-order-english-official-language
  4. https://caliber.az/en/post/us-poised-to-declare-english-official-language-for-first-time-in-history
  5. https://magnoliatribune.com/2025/02/28/president-trump-to-order-english-as-official-u-s-language/
  6. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trump-order-will-designate-english-as-the-official-u-s-language
  7. https://www.politico.com/news/2025/02/28/english-official-language-trump-00002727

Saturday, February 15, 2025

EcoFlow Delta Pro Ultra 7200-Watts Portable Power Station


Hey hello YouTubers if you're like me and you've thought about buying a backup battery system for your home or a backup generator uh that's what I ended up doing and that's what I'm going to talk about how and why I bought it what I bought so first thing is justifying this kind of expense why do we need to buy a backup generator well we've had several Power outages over the years it's it's always a little bit of an inconvenience not that big a deal but you know you kind of wish you could flip the lightson well when Helene hit and we were out not for a few hours but a few days actually about 10 days I thought enough is enough I need to get a backup system so what to buy well I considered gasoline well actually I didn't that was the first thing I eliminated because I don't want to have like a I just don't want to have gasoline hanging around the house a lawn mower kind of sound going on when I'm running it I thought about natural gas cuz we do have natural gas here and there would be a UnlimitedSupply so there's an advantage to that but I really just wanted a battery and so I looked into batteries what could I buy I heard about the Tesla power power wall I think they called it but I started investigating and I found this Echo flow battery that I have pictured here and it was a 3600 Watt and that sounded pretty good and it was 3,000 bucks give or take that sounded like okay but as I continued to investigate I found another one for 4,900 let's say 5,000 bucks so for the $5,000 you get 7200 Watts which is whichis double the amount of wattage for an extra $2,217 this is the Delta Pro Ultra it's a new system it's a step up it's expandable I felt like this would be the right item to buy all right so our Echo flow Delta Pro Ultra has been delivered I ordered this from Lowe's literally only two days ago it was just delivered by FedEx and now I got to deliver it from here into the house and that's going to be quite a trick I've got the hand truck I've got my back braces on let's go for it so I got it on the hand truck you know withthe handle in the hand truck to go as a four-wheeler and I'll see how that works versus just Wheeling it in on two all right so I got it on the hand truck I got it on the four wheels and so this is how it looks I'm just going to show it cuz I'm going to take it down the hallway got to have plenty of space and get it into the back room where I'm going to disassemble it or assemble it all right so I got it in here this is the inverter so this goes on top so I'm first going to take this box off thetrolley then I'm going going to going to go back and get the battery bring that in and I'll probably unwrap that first okay we've got this thing assembled which is no small feet for a little guy with big hands anyway uh I was able to brace it up against the wall I was able to lift and push it into place it kind of locks in place which is great and as far as I'm concerned that coaster with the wheels is very sturdy and seems to do a great job now the deal is you need to have this lined up correctly to have yourbattery ports on the same side this this little lock bracket here this plug basically assembly goes from one plug to the other that's what feeds uh the one un to the next unit without that it's not going to turn on so make sure that's lined up and then you're good to go I plugged it in now my Chevy Chase moment so now my Chevy Chase moment I got it plugged into my regular wall unit it is plugged in now how do we get it to go well one of these is an on button well look at there here it comes we're up to30% already fantastic I'm getting a call from Chip I think I will take a break and let this thing charge itself up a little bit hallelujah praise the lord we made it we did it all by our little selves all right we'll see you later okay I've been learning as I go and basically I just want to power it in I just want to plug it in power it up you see I'm up to 46% already it's been about maybe an hour or less been on the phone with a friend and uh so then you want to you know use it to charge up your devices of course so what I learnedhere is you have to push AC and then that will put out your AC power I don't know what this is about but anyway now that my AC power's on I can plug in all of my just like your home I can plug in various devices or you know appliances into my plug-in strip and then I have the USB outlet which happens to be DC so I push that on and now hopefully my phone will light up there you go so in other words I learn as I go like I said and you're having a struggle with me but this is fantastic uh it's very heavy the hardest part ofputting this in if you're a do yourselfer is the weight of it I'm one little guy and I got it in by myself I got it plugged in I got it you know leveled up and now I got my dog I wish I could level him up but the point is that it's doable but I would recommend you know two guys doing it Zeke please okay you're the St show um anyway it works voila it works and obviously this is just a start but eventually if I did have a power outage I'd want to plug in my refrigerator and my coffee maker and various things of that nature but itworks it's a good deal and we'll talk to you later well I took a little nap so I don't know exactly when it hit 100% wow look at that 99 but anyway we're fully charged everything that was plugged in here it's fully charged so I'm loving it and I'll be doing more YouTubes about it as I learn more and look up more things and we'll talk to you okay so a few things I learned along the way if you're a do-it-yourselfer and you just want to get a home backup system uh that's what I decided to do uh the things you haveto think about well where am I going to put it it's a plug-and play you can put it where you want and then you can just turn it on and start using it it is heavy so keep that in mind but I just put it near a wall outlet in a room you know where there was space and now if the power goes out tonight for example I will have to run power cords from my refrigerator or whatever I do need if I can't carry it over to it I'd have to run an extension cord from the device or from the appliance to the device uh you put the Caster wheels onfirst you build the little platform then you get the unit on that platform once you do that all the he heavy lifting is over so that's a good deal the inverter this is two big Parts one is the inverter where you plug in and plug out and all the computer uh issues are built into that system or built into that box that weighs about 75 pounds the battery itself is the bottom part and that's expandable up to five batteries so if if my needs increase or once I like this and I'm using it if I want tobuy another battery or two or three batteries I can certainly do that so that's something I had in mind when I bought it but this thing comes with its own power cord so you can plug it right into your wall and start charging it then you can start using it to charge your phone and your iPad or what have you I'm going to bring my Wi-Fi uh T-Mobile device downstairs I want to check that because in case there is a power outage that's one of the things I want is Wi-Fi all right so essentially uh the ultra to me was theway to to go I'm glad I got it if you guys are thinking about it you know check it out do your own research make your own decisions but so far so good and we'll see you next time so I do have a couple of thoughts in closing I bought this essentially to weather the storm so to speak to last me a few hours possibly in the future a few days you don't know but the main thing there is it is expandable so if I needed to increase the duration I could buy new batteries and just add them to the stack and Iwould be good to go for an extended period of time the other aspect is I can charge this using solar panels so I might do that in the future if I were to map it into the house system I would call an electrician it's not that big a deal but it's something that an electrician would have to do so I'll some find somebody certified to do that and uh beyond that uh I'm just glad I got it I feel better now and uh look forward to the next storm that's the irony now I'm kind of hoping the power goes out just to test it out all rightwell thanks again take care of yourself enjoy yourself and uh may your future be sunny and bright so long

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

EcoFlow Delta Pro Ultra 7200-Watts Portable Power Station EFDPUPCS-BP at Lowes.com


You did a great straight forward job in this video. I just ordered this EcoFlow Delta Pro Ultra from Lowe's.

EcoFlow Delta Pro Ultra 7200-Watts Portable Power Station Lowes.com

We just went through hurricane Helene, spending every day plugging in all my iPhones and IPad and I swore I'd get a backup battery before doing that again. What I'm hoping for with this unit is that I can charge it up on regular household current and or 240 and keep it as a backup if the power goes out for a few hours and possibly a few days by using it only for essentials; refrigerator, TMobile WiFi, iPhones, iPad 

Can I plug these devices directly into this unit? Can I, later at some point, connect this unit directly to my electric panel using a transition device for that purpose?

I would greatly appreciate any feedback you can give me. Thanks again! Pete 


Thursday, February 6, 2025

 Here are 20 waterfalls within 25 miles of Hendersonville, NC, along with their Google Maps links:

In DuPont State Recreational Forest:

  1. Triple Falls: Google Maps - Trio of waterfalls cascading 120 ft. in forested state park, a setting in "Last of the Mohicans."
  2. High Falls: Google Maps - 150-ft.-tall waterfall on the Little River with scenic deciduous forest & a nearby covered bridge.
  3. Hooker Falls: Google Maps - A short, wide, waterfall in DuPont State Forest that is a popular destination for swimming.
  4. Bridal Veil Falls: Google Maps - Short hiking trail to a wide cascade over a plane of granite, used as a backdrop for several films.
  5. Grassy Creek Falls: Google Maps - A lesser-known but beautiful 60-foot waterfall in DuPont State Forest.

In Pisgah National Forest:

  1. Looking Glass Falls: Google Maps - Photo-ready waterfall (named for a smooth rock that freezes) with a plunge pool & quick road access.
  2. Moore Cove Falls: Google Maps - A 50-foot waterfall where you can actually stand under the falls! It's an easy 1.4-mile hike.
  3. Slick Rock Falls: Google Maps - A less-visited 35-foot waterfall that cascades off a cliff face. The road to the waterfall is a bit rough, but it's worth it for the solitude.
  4. Sliding Rock: Google Maps - A natural waterslide where you can slide down a 60-foot rock face into a pool of water. There is a small fee to enter.

Other Waterfalls:

  1. Wintergreen Falls: Google Maps - A 20-foot waterfall in DuPont State Forest, a slightly lesser-known option.
  2. Wildcat Falls: Google Maps - Located near the Blue Ridge Parkway, this is a smaller waterfall but easily accessible.
  3. Skinny Dip Falls: Google Maps - Another waterfall near the Blue Ridge Parkway, known for its swimming hole.
  4. Catawba Falls: Google Maps - A larger waterfall with multiple cascades, located a bit further away but still within 25 miles.
  5. Courthouse Falls: Google Maps - A beautiful waterfall with a large pool at the bottom, perfect for swimming.
  6. Little Bradley Falls: Google Maps - A smaller waterfall that's a good option for a short hike.
  7. Toms Creek Falls: Google Maps - A series of small waterfalls that are easily accessible.
  8. Elk River Falls: Google Maps - A large waterfall with a popular swimming hole.
  9. Crabtree Falls: Google Maps - A beautiful waterfall with a picnic area, a great option for a day trip.
  10. Glen Falls: Google Maps - A series of waterfalls that cascade down a mountainside.
  11. High Falls (Cullowhee): Google Maps - Not to be confused with High Falls in DuPont, this is another impressive waterfall located near Cullowhee.

Tips for visiting waterfalls:

  • Wear comfortable shoes, as some hikes can be strenuous.
  • Bring water and snacks, especially for longer hikes.
  • Check the weather forecast before you go.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and stay on marked trails.
  • Pack out any trash you bring in.
  • Be respectful of the natural environment.

I hope this list helps you find some beautiful waterfalls to explore near Hendersonville!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

South Carolina state tax return = NO

 As a North Carolina resident receiving a South Carolina employee pension, you do not need to file a South Carolina state tax return[3][9]. South Carolina does not tax the retirement income of nonresident individuals[9]. Your pension income will be taxable in your state of residence, which is North Carolina.

In North Carolina, your pension income will be subject to the state's flat income tax rate of 4.75%[3]. However, North Carolina offers some tax benefits for retirees:

1. Social Security benefits are not taxable in North Carolina[3].

2. North Carolina has a "Bailey exemption" for certain government pensions, but this applies only if you had five or more years of creditable service as of August 12, 1989[1].

It's important to note that while you don't need to file a South Carolina tax return, you will need to report this pension income on your North Carolina state tax return. North Carolina taxes most retirement income, including out-of-state pensions, at its flat rate[3].


[1] https://www.kiplinger.com/retirement/601218/8-things-you-must-know-about-retiring-to-the-carolinas

[2] https://pamharringtonexclusives.com/blog/south-carolina-retirement-taxes/

[3] https://www.actsretirement.org/resources-advice/finance-saving-money/tax-benefits-for-retirees/north-carolina/

[4] https://support.taxslayer.com/hc/en-us/articles/360028657632-Is-my-retirement-income-taxable-to-South-Carolina

[5] https://www.actsretirement.org/resources-advice/finance-saving-money/tax-benefits-for-retirees/south-carolina/

[6] https://wildewood-downs.com/blog/tax-deductions-for-senior-citizens-in-south-carolina/

[7] https://smartasset.com/retirement/south-carolina-retirement-taxes

[8] https://www.kiplinger.com/retirement/602202/taxes-in-retirement-how-all-50-states-tax-retirees

[9] https://dor.sc.gov/tax/individual-income/faq


Answer from Perplexity: pplx.ai/share

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


I don’t know if this really matters but I’m 76 years old so I grew up completely obsessed with the Beatles and the Stones the Who and on the poetic side, Bob Dylan. The point is I love a lot of what  they now call classic rock… I’m sorry isn’t that an oxymoron??? Anyway you know you’re old when they’re featuring your music on PBS specials… but the reason i’m commenting here is because you guys are just playing great… I caught you on David Letterman and I’m so glad David Letterman caught you… and I’m thrilled that your dad supported you and encouraged you to pursue music because you’ve got the gift you’ve got the way you’ve got the voice and you’ve got some great songs… I’m also glad that you worked in the service industry because most of us did and I believe it’s a good way to develop a little empathy for what other people are going through and sometimes they never get a chance to switch careers into something pretty spectacular… but you guys did it and I’m glad you did it and it’s just ironic because I’ve been listening to your music lately. Well, maybe it’s not ironic maybe it’s algorithms because YouTube knows what I’m doing before I do it. Anyway, best of luck to y’all.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Hard wordle

 While ADIEU is a popular starting word for Wordle, there are several alternatives that might be considered better, especially for 'hard' mode:

1. TRACE is currently considered the best starting word by WordleBot, the New York Times' AI tool for Wordle[7]. It's rated 99/100 for skill and contains common letters that can be easily reused in subsequent guesses.

2. SLATE was previously recommended by WordleBot and is still considered an excellent choice[3]. It uses common letters and can provide valuable information for follow-up guesses.

3. CRANE is another top-rated word by WordleBot, also scoring 99/100[3]. It includes common consonants and vowels, making it versatile for hard mode.

4. SALET, though less common, was determined by MIT researchers to be the best starting word, performing 1% better than SLATE in narrowing down options[3].

5. STARE is recommended by some of the Tom's Guide team, as it uses common letters in frequent positions (S is the most common first letter, A the most common third letter, and E the most common fifth letter in Wordle answers)[1].

These words are generally considered better than ADIEU because they use more common letters, potentially providing more useful information for subsequent guesses in hard mode. However, the effectiveness of a starting word can vary depending on the specific puzzle and personal strategy.


[1] https://www.tomsguide.com/news/best-wordle-start-words

[2] https://www.digitaltrends.com/gaming/best-tips-and-starting-words-for-wordle/

[3] https://www.techradar.com/how-to/wordle-best-starting-word

[4] https://prowritingaid.com/best-wordle-starting-words

[5] https://mashable.com/article/best-wordle-starting-word

[6] https://wordfinder.yourdictionary.com/blog/the-best-first-words-to-play-in-wordle-and-why/

[7] https://www.techradar.com/computing/websites-apps/wordle-has-a-new-best-start-word-but-i-won-t-be-using-it

[8] https://www.gamespot.com/articles/wordle-best-starting-words-to-use-and-other-game-tips/1100-6499460/

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

 The Sermon on the Mount is a collection of teachings by Jesus Christ found in the Gospel of Matthew, chapters 5-7[1]. Here are some key passages from the sermon:

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."[2][6]

Jesus also taught:

"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."[4][5]

The sermon also includes teachings on prayer, fasting, and not worrying about material possessions:

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"[4]

These teachings emphasize spiritual values, moral conduct, and trust in God's providence.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sermon_on_the_Mount

[2] http://www.age-of-the-sage.org/the-sermon-on-the-mount.html

[3] https://sacred-texts.com/bib/csj/csj017.htm

[4] https://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/sermononthemount.html

[5] https://www.bible.com/bible/1/MAT.5.1-20.KJV

[6] https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+5-7&version=NIV

[7] https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+5-7&version=ESV

[8] https://discipleshipdevelopment.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/the-sermon-on-the-mount-1.pdf

Thursday, January 16, 2025

The 23rd Psalm

 "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:1-6

Friday, January 10, 2025

Donald Trump Sentenced to 'Unconditional Discharge' for His Felonies



GM's EV Sales Surge


GM's electric vehicle (EV) sales surged dramatically in 2024, with a 125% increase in the fourth quarter and a 50% rise for the full year, totaling 114,432 EVs sold[1]. This robust growth propelled GM to become the second-largest EV seller in the U.S. in the latter half of 2024, nearly doubling its market share to around 12% by the fourth quarter[1]. Key drivers of this success included:

* The Chevrolet Equinox EV, which quickly became one of the top five best-selling EVs in the U.S.[1]
* Strong sales of other models like the Cadillac Lyriq, Chevrolet Blazer EV, and GMC Hummer EV[1]
* A diverse EV portfolio ranging from $35,000 to over $300,000, catering to a wide range of consumers[2]
* The introduction of new models such as the Cadillac Escalade IQ and GMC Sierra EV[1]

This impressive EV performance contributed to GM's overall 4% increase in U.S. sales for 2024, reaching 2.7 million vehicles – its highest total since 2019[3]. The company's success in the EV market, combined with its strong performance in traditional vehicle segments, has positioned GM as a formidable competitor in the evolving automotive landscape.


Monday, January 6, 2025

AMZCHEF 8-IN-1 Milk Frother and Steamer

AMZCHEF 8-IN-1 Milk Frother and Steamer


I make my Keurig coffee every morning and I always use half-and-half so once I put the half-and-half in the coffee, it cools it down quite a bit so I always pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Even though that’s not a big deal, I started looking into these frothing machines , and I found this particular one to be a very handsome and high-quality appliance. Now I can make my coffee and hot cream simultaneously and mix them together in a variety of ways that are interesting and always delicious. I’ve also made hot chocolate along with the cappuccino, and I’ve added a little Crown Royal and KahlĂșa into the mix. I think the possibilities are as far reaching as your imagination and taste buds will permit. I have also discovered it has a self cleaning capability as far as just mixing in plain hot water in between uses. I’ve had a lot of fun with it so far and I look forward to using it basically every day.


Constellation energy stock


Based on the information provided in the search results, 79 companies in the Nasdaq 100 are also included in the S&P 500[6]. This significant overlap demonstrates that despite the Nasdaq 100 being known as a tech-heavy index, it shares many components with the broader S&P 500.

This overlap is noteworthy for several reasons:

1. Representation: It indicates that a large portion of the Nasdaq 100 companies are considered significant enough to be included in the S&P 500, which aims to represent the broader U.S. stock market.

2. Influence: The performance of these 79 overlapping companies can have a substantial impact on both indices simultaneously.

3. Diversification: For investors, this overlap means that holding both indices may not provide as much diversification as one might initially assume.

4. Tech Sector Weight: Given that many of the overlapping companies are likely to be in the technology sector, it underscores the growing importance of tech stocks in the overall market.

It's important to note that while there is significant overlap, the Nasdaq 100 and S&P 500 still have distinct characteristics:

- The Nasdaq 100 excludes financial companies, while the S&P 500 includes them.
- The Nasdaq 100 is more concentrated, with only 100 stocks compared to the S&P 500's approximately 500 components.
- The weighting and selection criteria for the two indices differ, which can lead to performance variations despite the overlap in constituents.

This overlap highlights the importance of understanding index compositions when making investment decisions or analyzing market trends.

[1] https://www.etmoney.com/learn/stocks/nasdaq-100-versus-sp-500-which-index-is-better-for-investing-in-the-us/
[2] https://finance.yahoo.com/news/p-500-nasdaq-100-jointly-201804848.html
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_S&P_500_companies
[4] https://www.morningstar.com/news/marketwatch/20241212248/upcoming-nasdaq-100-changes-could-boost-the-stocks-of-these-11-companies
[5] https://www.cnbc.com/2024/12/20/trillions-depend-on-whos-in-and-whos-out-of-updated-sp-500-nasdaq-100.html
[6] https://endlessmetrics.substack.com/p/stock-overlap-of-the-major-indices
[7] https://indexes.nasdaqomx.com/docs/NDX-vs-SPX_2%20pager.pdf
[8] https://www.nasdaq.com/solutions/nasdaq-100/companies


Constellation energy stock


Fortune 500

Nasdaq 100

The recent $1 billion deal with the U.S. government significantly impacts Constellation Energy's future growth in several ways:

1. Financial Stability: The 10-year, $840 million contract to supply over 1 million megawatt-hours of electricity annually provides Constellation with a stable, long-term revenue stream[1][3]. This financial security allows the company to plan and invest in future growth initiatives with confidence.

2. Capacity Expansion: The deal enables Constellation to fund upgrades to its nuclear fleet, adding approximately 135 megawatts of capacity[1]. This increased capacity will enhance the company's ability to meet growing energy demands and potentially secure additional contracts in the future.

3. Market Position: By securing this landmark deal, Constellation strengthens its position as a leading provider of clean, emissions-free energy in the United States[2]. This enhanced reputation could lead to more contracts with both government and private sector clients.

4. Innovation and Efficiency: The $172 million contract for energy efficiency upgrades at federal facilities allows Constellation to showcase its expertise in energy conservation and sustainability[2][5]. This experience could open up new business opportunities in the growing market for energy efficiency solutions.

5. Nuclear Energy Validation: The deal represents a significant shift in the perception of nuclear energy, with the U.S. government joining major corporations like Microsoft in supporting nuclear power as a clean energy source[1][3]. This validation could lead to increased demand for Constellation's nuclear energy services.

6. Relicensing and Asset Longevity: The contract supports Constellation's efforts to relicense and extend the operational life of its nuclear assets[3]. This extension of asset lifespans contributes to the company's long-term growth prospects and market value.

7. Stock Performance: The announcement of the deal led to a significant surge in Constellation's stock price, with shares jumping by as much as 7.6%[1][3]. This positive market reaction could improve the company's ability to raise capital for future growth initiatives.

By securing this major government contract, Constellation Energy has positioned itself for substantial future growth in the clean energy sector, with improved financial stability, expanded capacity, and enhanced market recognition.

[1] https://finance.yahoo.com/news/constellation-energy-signs-1-billion-154619525.html
[2] https://carboncredits.com/constellation-secures-groundbreaking-1-billion-clean-nuclear-energy-deal-with-federal-government/
[3] https://www.investopedia.com/constellation-energy-stock-jumps-on-usd1-billion-in-deals-with-federal-government-nuclear-power-8768305
[4] https://www.energytech.com/home/article/55252682/federal-gsa-investing-in-nuclear-energy-through-840m-supply-deal-with-constellation
[5] https://www.utilitydive.com/news/constellation-new-energy-gsa-ink-procurement-deal-emissions-free-power-federal-buildings/736443/
[6] https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/constellation-secures-1-bln-contracts-supply-us-government-with-nuclear-power-2025-01-02/
[7] https://www.investors.com/news/nuclear-government-contract-constellation-energy-sp-500-positive-for-future-deals/
[8] https://www.inc.com/reuters/constellation-inks-1-billion-nuclear-power-deal/91102179
