This was the first hike of the 2014-2015 season and our first return to Draw Bar Cliffs for Brats and Beer. I have labled many treks in Garmin Connect as Drawbar with several variations depending on the route. Chip is the Expert in that arena so I'll let him dice the

This is the map from the last time we did Drawbar on Jan 25 2014. I wanted to compare the two routes to see if the Mills Pass cut through made a difference. After further study, they are the same because Ridge Trail goes on the meet Table Rock Trail where Mill Creek Pass cuts back down to Pinnacle.

It was a beautiful day in the high 60's at least and autumn leaves still turning. I suggested that we consider doing Rainbow Falls next week but in all honesty today's 11 miles really put the old legs to the test so as for next week... We'll See!