Monday, May 8, 2023

New Belgium Family Reunion

 Yesterday, Sunday May 7, 2023, we met Elizabeth. If I could copy and paste all the text messages that brought this meeting about then you would get some idea of how much thinking, planning and last minute negotiation went into this fortuitous occasion.

This story begins about two or three years ago when Michael met Elizabeth, fell in love and got married.

Because this series of events transpired in the Out West and they wanted to share their love with those of us left behind, the plan to meet in the mountains began to take shape. Our original choice of destination was the Pisgah Inn, a picturesque place at the peak of the parkway. A lot of fun and excitement developed over the planning and anticipation of our shared spring fling. But suddenly a series of fires erupted in New Mexico rudely interrupting, ultimately canceling, our plans. That could have been where the story ends But neither discouraged nor deterred, Michael and his lovely bride Elizabeth decided to try, try again. Thus the target date became Sunday May 7th, 2023. The only question’s remaining were who, how and where? How to carve out 2 hours in each of our super busy lives. Meeting Pete and Tess in Hendersonville would have been a nice but a relatively dull affair so as the days ticked down to crunch time, Belgium Brewery in Asheville presented as a viable and far more engaging idea. After all what is more family friendly than cold beer on a hot day in a field of picnic tables?

And so the final plan was hatched. With the help of wings, wheels and google maps we all converged at our chosen destination within minutes of each other and despite the passage on many years linked with tenuous texting, from across the parking lot our eyes met and we made instant connections.
Greetings and hugs with a rush of words and we were suddenly family again. The kids, the dogs, the blending of young, old and in between there was a sense that something very special was happening.

Elizabeth was just precious. A perfect stranger bearing thoughtful gifts and inherent kindness that melted away any inhibitions on a first encounter. I was extremely intrigued as to how she and Michael met on line and think I asked before we even sat down.
Instead of rejecting, she immediately indulged my curiosity and thus ensured great conversations about finding one’s perfect match. Not only did I learn about Match I also expanded my classical music interests to include Debussy. ‘Alexa, play Claire de Lune.’
I also felt like I got to know Michael more than ever before. I think they bring out the best in each other. Having Sam and Lauren with us basically made all the difference in the world. Sam is such a natural engager. He has an easy charisma that makes everyone feel appreciated, comfortable and at home. And The boys, Wes and Nolan…. The next generation growing up before our very eyes, still took time to play a little game of Catch with Papa Peter. It’s just so great to have them here, present and involved in family activities. We are so blessed to have Lauren and Sam including them and including Papa Peter and Granma Tess in their world.
 I can’t leave without mentioning Holly and our little Zeke who, in their canine innocence, make us more human.

One of my first connections with Michael was mentioning that I knew he was a dog lover. I’ll never forget that picture of his Shepherd, who had climbed into their suitcase on the bed when he sensed they were leaving on vacation. This love was echoed when Elizabeth said they were racing through Asheville buying gifts for their pet sitters back home.

A final thanks to the young man who took all these iconic pictures of us under the arch at New Belgium.

Thank you to everyone who made this a most wonderful day. To Mamma Tess, for being Mamma. To Tess for having a Nephew Michael who discovered Elizabeth and brought her to us. To Michael being Cousin to Lauren. To Lauren and Sam, Nolan and Wes. 
May today be a day to remember but also to inspire making new memories together in the future.

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