Saturday, June 15, 2024

Best Songs of All Time

 Most of the Time - Bob Dylan

The poetic genius of this song is pure Dylan. How many love songs are there about love and love lost but this speaks the heart and mind and soul of a person who has settled on denial. How can you understand this if you haven’t experienced it and then how do you say it so others might also understand? Bob Dylan has achieved stardom that he doesn’t really want. He has created a stable of hit songs that cover every genre, every peace and quest for social justice but when he reveals the heart and sensitivity reflected in this song of utter sadness of a love abandoned I think it shows a whole other level of depth and understanding just of what love truly is.

I have loved this song for many years and yet today it has even greater meaning. I generally don’t read other people reviews until I write my own but this is a follow up to my first. “Poetic Genius”… yes this is poetic genius. He is a poetic genius and it’s because as you said, he feels it, but many people feel it, but he can express it so we can feel his pain and it’s been expressed so much better than I can say it myself. I just lost my wife of 46 years. Listening to this song brought the depth of my sadness into the room. So many people have been so nice and I know I’m a very lucky person and… and I can carry on and be thankful and all that… ‘most of the time’ but there are times I just want to cry, I mean CRY and I thank God that I found love and I thank God for poets like Dylan who can say it better than I.

Feel my love - Bob Dylan

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