Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Return to Me (2000) - Return to Me (2000) - User Reviews - IMDb

I'm always impressed by writers, directors and actors who can capture human emotions and personalities with a depth of understanding that most of us can experience but never put into words. This film was so subtle and so worth watching and yet I've never heard of it and pretty much just stumbled into it one night, like hey do you want to try this?
Written and directed by Bonnie Hunt, I just had no idea how talented she is, I would put this film far and above any of the big budget block busters that get so much attention. Mini Driver was just so endearing that, as a father, you just want to hold her, love and protect her, which Carol O'Conner conveyed in ways that Archie Buncker never could. David Duchovny was such a real and honorable man, they were deserving of each other and you were cheering for each of them throughout. I thought, a very clever scene, when his friend convinced to get out and date someone just illustrated so well how sometimes being out with the wrong person can be worse than being alone. How Bonnie Hunt was able to capture these stark personality types I think is an amazing skill. I don't know if I'll check spoiler alert but if you have a heart you need to watch this movie. It speaks to our humanity and shows us what love is. As I now glance over the many like minded reviews I feel as if I’m part of a community. I only hope that Bonnie Hunts and her crew are made aware of how much the depth and quality of their work is appreciated.

Pete and Tess

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