Monday, May 19, 2014

Carl Sandburg - Barry and Shirley Visit

We spent a beautiful afternoon at the Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site

hiking all the way to the top of to Big Glassy Mountain.

Barry pointed to Mount Pisgah in the distance

Shirley took the time to point out many interesting plants and call them by their scientific names.

 I was happy that Shirley pointed out the Poison Ivy

before I discovered it on my own.

 The mighty Tulip Trees like towering thunder

 shed some of their bounty

 on mortals asunder

 Shirley also identified this unique three leaf edible

individual, the Sassafras.

Mmmm Good!

Beautiful blossoms

ushered our way

as if in Celebration

Our Beautiful Day!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Novice Ride - Kanuga Conference Center

Another Beautiful Day!

 Even a little on the Cool Side
 and that describes the 10 early morning Novice Riders with the Blue Ridge Bike Club who met at Etowah Park to ride to the Kanuga Conference Center! 

Fletcher Flyer officials Ben and Bev hosted a toast

to fun in the sun as they launched us on to our chosen destination for the day

 The centerpiece of Kanuga Center is a 
Beautiful Lake!

 A great place for pictures
 and a nice place to return some day for a picnic lunch.

 Pete donned his pink hat, having left his helmet at home he borrowed his wifes from the back of the van.

 The bikes waited while we took a quick tour.

Bill broke in his brand new lime green Trek Dumane,

 Fransiou led the pack climbing hills on her Trek WSD Seven with strength and determination
 without clip pedals.

 While her friend Carole provided smiles through the miles and getting ready for the Fletch Flyer on June 1. 

 Nikki pointed out that I always keep the camera clicking, I said I take a million pictures

 while hoping for that 

One in a Million Shot!

 Life can be measured in moments and this 

 gentleman measures every one as something special

 as each

 in it's own way 


Get in Gear

put the pedal to the medal


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