Friday, December 9, 2011

The Little Church with the Big Heart

One thing leads to another. That was the "One Great Truth" that one of my teachers shared with us many years ago and as it has revealed itself to me over and over... it is so true. Whether things happen for a reason or reason provides meaning to things that happen we may never know. Whether it is the Blind Watchmaker or the All Knowing Watchmaker who defines our path, we are still but mortal seekers. Between our own beginning and our own end there is the mystery, pain and joy of the middle we experience and shape. Each of us prays for guidance in our own way as we stumble through. Thank you for exploring life and sharing a portion of yours with us and for shedding light in little dark corners (to accept people where they are).
So to all the little things that lead us to having our dinner together last night, I say Thank You! Thank you for allowing us to explore the mystery honestly and openly. For not setting or abiding by superficial boundaries and artificial pomp and protocol. Thank you for being genuine, tangible and real.
I just love your enthusiasm and your spontaneous expression thereof, it brings such happiness and means the world to me. Tess came to life in your presence last night and I can't tell you how thrilled I was when I heard her showing you around our home. It was a small thing but it was a very special and unique experience.
I am so very happy that all the little events leading us into the church, your church, brought us to this point and I want us to continue to develop our friendship. Your message, Richard and Janet, is vital and important to us and to the community. The honesty of the words you speak, the pictures you take, your Open and Affirming Kindness, your example is what is real and valuable to us. Your partnership with each other, the love you create and share with each other, your two children and your Poodle, these are all the good things. These are the things that make yours, The Little Church with the Big Heart. We are grateful to be a part of it and want to be with you and support you in keeping it true.

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