I don’t know if this really matters but I’m 76 years old so I grew up completely obsessed with the Beatles and the Stones the Who and on the poetic side, Bob Dylan. The point is I love a lot of what they now call classic rock… I’m sorry isn’t that an oxymoron??? Anyway you know you’re old when they’re featuring your music on PBS specials… but the reason i’m commenting here is because you guys are just playing great… I caught you on David Letterman and I’m so glad David Letterman caught you… and I’m thrilled that your dad supported you and encouraged you to pursue music because you’ve got the gift you’ve got the way you’ve got the voice and you’ve got some great songs… I’m also glad that you worked in the service industry because most of us did and I believe it’s a good way to develop a little empathy for what other people are going through and sometimes they never get a chance to switch careers into something pretty spectacular… but you guys did it and I’m glad you did it and it’s just ironic because I’ve been listening to your music lately. Well, maybe it’s not ironic maybe it’s algorithms because YouTube knows what I’m doing before I do it. Anyway, best of luck to y’all.